In this 4-week beginner-friendly course, you’ll knit your very first top-down sweater step by step. You learn how to select fibers, shape the yoke and create a beautiful, seamless garment that truly reflects your style.
By the end, you’ll have a well-fitting, handmade sweater you’ll be proud to wear!
This course is perfect for beginner knitters who want to knit their first top-down sweater without frustration. If you’ve only knitted scarves or small projects, this step-by-step course will give you the skills and confidence to create your own wearable piece.
„Knit Your First Top-Down Sweater“ is a 4-week free online course. If you want to take part, you only need to agree, to give a quick weekly feedback and to leave a testimonial after course completion. Sounds like a deal?
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